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Particularly beer. It's a carbonated liquid. If anything getting the exact portion control you want would be even easier. No longer would there be temptation to round up the amount you want to drink. It would be less wasteful than bottles and more convenient than mini kegs. It would be more economical and would stay as carbonated as soda. About a third of the price of beer is the container. That math is based on looking at the cheapest bottled soda in a store.

And why not coffee? Just buy all the coffee you need at once with no steps needed. If you make iced coffee with it its going to be fine. Big coffee wants you to buy a product from them every day, because they can make more money from you. You aren't buying your milk per drink? Why should you buy any liquid per drink or with extra packaging?

Buying anything every day is stupid. Just buy the finished product in a volume where you are taken care of for the week. It's how you buy anything else.

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Coffee is a complex beverage, and oxidization significantly alters the flavor, and flavorful but volatile compounds will outgas/evaporate fairly quickly; similar to wine. A decanter improves wine flavor, but the same would ruin fresh coffee. An old cup of coffee tastes like crap.

The flavor of a cup of coffee from the same bag of beans can differ significantly by using a different coffee bean grinders, while maintaining all other process variables.

I don't understand them specifics, but I've tasted the difference and results.

Also, my coffee grinder undesirably pulverizes beans, but I'm not into tedious coffee rituals.
But I won't discourage anyone who's willing to put in the effort. Don't mind if I do...


I encounter this problem with honey. I think the only place that has 1 kg honey pots is the place that only sells to businesses. I just buy my own coffee beans, grind them, and make coffee that way. And for beer there are kegs ig I never drink beer.