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I may have freaked myself out a little just now. I decided to try eating oysters prepped at home. I think I’ve eaten oysters in a restaurant maybe once, and the other guy ate most of them.
Well I’m in my third one and see something wriggling around in the shell I just slurped up. I know oysters are alive so I’m just thinking wow, that’s a little freaky, par for the course I guess. My first thought is just to man up. But I think about it and take another look.. is that actually part of it?
So I decide to poke around at it and it seems to be some kind of worm. I immediately spit out everything, which sucks because it was the best tasting one.
Now I need to worry if this thing laid eggs. Is there a part of an oyster that is worm like?
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0(+0|0)1 year ago
It was like living in the hinge, like around where you would put an oyster knife if that were how I was running. Looking closer there does seem to be a bit of mud there where the oyster was probably hooked into the ground, so I think it’s just an earth worm.
0(+0|0)1 year ago
So that was part of two that were fused. I just smashed them apart with a hammer. Between the two was this large sucker.

I’m in over my head yo. This is what I get for trying new things.
0(+0|0)1 year ago
I don't know man, that's a little too exotic for me! Hey, Is the movie night tonight or next Saturday?
0(+0|0)1 year ago
I was just thinking about that. I just decided yeah let's do it. I'm about to make a post.
0(+0|0)1 year ago
Dang IT! Missed it again! Life just busy here in the real world, and I've been mostly absent from my favorite online haunts... Maybe I'll catch the next one! What did you guys end up watching?
0(+0|0)1 year ago
Slapshot, then Jurassic Park. We had quite a lot of people compared to last week.
0(+0|0)1 year ago
DAMN! Sorry I missed those! Would have loved to have watched 'em! The comments during SLAPSHOT must've been wild! Slapshot was a great movie ruined by a bad ending!
0(+0|0)1 year ago
I didn't mind it as much as some other people. At the same time I wasn't as invested in the movie because I ended up making some kung pow I had supplies for. Weird kung pow. It was one of those box kits. Served with pad thai noodles.