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La Libertad Avanze is the party/coalition of Javier Milei.

It is prediction markets forecast that UniĆ³n por la Patria may upset the current LLA leadership.

UP is a Peronist party. Peronism is the reason Argentina has had more and harder recessions than almost any other country. Argentina is noted in economics as the least consistent economy.

The reason is that Peronism suggests that the government should select a national industry and pick a winner in that industry to produce jobs. This usually generates some kind of an export. But because the government picks winners and losers it ends up not competing long term on the international stage. Because the politically connected end up running this industry it leads to corruption. Corruption leads to siphoning of funds needed for reinvestment needed to stay competitive. This siphoning and lack of competition leads to higher prices, and losses in quality over time. The second that firm is out-competed by any other firm in the world the whole nation goes belly up with it. When the government picks a single favored industry there is a lack of other industries to absorb labor.

But people don't learn. All they want is for the government to give them a job now. Never mind if the situation is stable long term.

The presence of this ideology has led Argentina to have a persisting trend of the most frequent and harshest boom and bust cycles. 1 2 3

The work Javier Milei has put into diversifying the Argentina's economy will help reduce the harshness of recessions. But it could use more time. There has been an increase in investment in the country since Javier took office. But this will need more time for investors to have confidence Peronists won't take control and sour the investment of any start up that isn't a state selected winner.

Unless Javier can win a second time and Argentina can show it is past the Peronist fad entirely no one is going to invest hard into diversifying Argentina's economy. And they will remain under threat of more hard recessions.

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there is a lack of other industries to absorb labor.

This is problematic in the US and Canada with migrants as well as DOGE layoffs and tariff meddling - all creating higher living costs and much unemployment with no alternatives.

I really hope Milei works out in the long run. At present his overhaul has majorly fucked over the middle and lower classes like never before. I see zero precedent nor reason for it to work out for anyone but the ruling class. When it doesn't work out we may have to call it the Milei Massacre.

Or we can always blame Whitney Webb who also lives in Argentina.