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I don't know if we are going to primarily do pairings in the future but we might and it's how we're going to roll this time. That will give us a chance to see which show people like more.
I'm also flexible on the time if people have feedback. But 7:30 seemed to work ok for movie night.
I don't know on a scale of 1-10 what my degree of presence will be because I might have a meetup that night. But I'll get the ball rolling for sure. I'll load up a bunch of each and if I'm not interacting much you guys can drag them into the order you need, depending how much you want to watch of show A and show B.
Also guys: I'm on a boat
At the usual place.
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I should wear a tux in my rubber dingy. And get some champagne.
And you've gotta bring T-Pain with you in the boat...
Good deal on the Red Dwarf & Dark Place Friday night TV Night! Though, I have to admit, I don't know Dark Place, I'm going to have to look that up.
That's the best part of a rubbing dingy. No room for niggers.
Nice boat. very cheeki breeki - i like this. this will be fun.
Any worries with extending an invitation to our crosstown bros in goatsville?
Of course they can come. I was planning on inviting them unless you want to cover it.
Wanted to run it by you first, Just out of a sense of common courtesy. It's not my place to assume that you want Upgoat participation. Even if it seems obvious, There may be some other reason(s) not to invite them. Just covering my bases. I don't mind shooting over an invite to goatland, I'll do it now.
Would you make a generic admin account for the cytube site that can be shared with others, when you're out of pocket? I don't need my own ID, but a generic one wouldn't be a bad idea. USER: Madmin Password: Open4Matrix
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