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So I want to go ahead and structure a non-profit. The real project I want to be working on is training zero censorship AI. To truly get to zero there is an argument that you can't retrain a foundation model. You have to start from scratch. While that's unrealistic from a resource perspective I can up my odds of getting there and also improve more cost-effective stabs at it by having an org.

Now the org name I wish I could have is Honest-AI. It looks like that is taken. I have two alternatives I am thinking about, and they are pretty nerdy. It's your job to tell me if they are a complete miss or if you have a better way to convey this is all about honest ai (none of this "guarding against bias" bs). Really it's starting fresh with the thought of how AI ethics works and sticks to more traditional ethics rather than neo-ethics.

First is Honesta[i]. Sometimes the 'i' will be written as an subscript. That is taken from Esperanto. We will also encourage people to sometimes entirely not write the i.

There is also Tenpo AI. This is taken from the translation of 'True' to Toki Pona being 'Tenpo Pona'.

The first one is easy to identify as being related to honesty. But it may still be too close to Honest-AI especially if people tend to write out the i. Without the square brackets one of its forms is literally honestai. Maybe Honesta-ai? That loses a degree of toung roll. There is also Honesta! where the exclamation point is also an I.

Tenpo-ai is harder to recognize as relating but it's pleasant enough to be a name. I assume no one else is using that name in the AI space. If you've ever read 'Made To Stick' they talk about how the pleasantness or ease of verbalizing is important for a brand to stick in people's head. And maybe there is enough of a story behind the word to say that the point of the org is to align with honesty.

Fun fact. The translator I used seems to like to spit out very different things when run a second or third time. More research it looks like it isn't accurate. More accurate would be "Lon".

Really I want the name to just flat out state the mission statement. And there is no mission statement besides honest ai.

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Gay-I, to signal that you're inclusive.

Aiya" (哎呀) is an informal Mandarin Chinese interjection that expresses a range of emotions, including wonder, shock, admiration, surprise, annoyance, pain, frustration, sarcasm, blame, dismay, or fear

edit cuz i know chink. Ai means love and ya i think is the exasperation modifier or something. So Wo Ai Ne would be i love you. I had to look up ya, and thats fang, tooth or whatever. to the compound character there is a ko or mouth character with teeth next to it, so an open mouth shouting. and thus 哎呀 would be intense emotion and then shouting.呀



One of the few good things living abroad gave me. Exposure to a communist country and their systems of control and a hearty immune system.

[-]Ultrix1(+1|0) could also be the URL.


Not a fan of using subscript or superscript. Most folks won't use that and consistent branding is important.

Also, unfortunately using either case "i" or "I" may lead to confusion, with or without serifs. (ie. ethical vs ethicAI)

Esoterically referenced and clever names like Honesta and Tenpo won't appeal to the masses. A good name helps but means nothing without a good product.

I like Tenpo. It's short, fairly easy to remember, rhymes with "keep the tempo", and there's lore behind it to look into if one cares to. (You can also create a Tentpoal forum if you care to. It's big tent growing daily.)

Don't force the "honest/honesty" into the name when it can be the critical aspect of your tagline, branding, etc. If legit, Tenpo (or whatever name) will become synonymous with good results.

Also, on "honesty", some things fall into the bipolar realm of true/false but there is a whole spectrum, and colours beyond just black, white, and grey - including invisible and unknowable spectrums. The truth can be clear and simple - or it can have multiple levels. I'd hesitate to be trying too hard to be the arbiter of truth, but I do like "truth-seeker". I'd couch it more as something like "Trying our best to keep the world honest."

Good, bad, and ugly ideas that may inspire and lead to great ones...

  • AIm High
  • AIm True
  • EthicAI
  • Ethix AI
  • gAIn Trust
  • GenuAIne
  • Legit AI
  • Libert AI
  • mAInly Honest
  • No Lie AI
  • sAIdit
  • TravAIl
  • Truth gAIn
  • Truth-Seeker AI
  • UnbAIsed
  • vAIritas
  • Verif AI


In my Bittersweet Seeds story, the protagonist Ernest Achbar (greatly in earnest) was co-developer in a team to build a decentralized bottom-up A.I. that allegedly helped people and was in the existential war of A.I.s and humanity in the background of the story, ending with a cliffhanger of sorts. That team developed several names for their project versions, Alpha, Bliss, Caprice, Desirée, Epiphany, Felicity, Grace, Hope, Ingeborg, Joy, etc. vHOPE is the one that popularly stuck in the story.

Also in my story, just as "smart-tech" is dumb, "artificial intelligence" is meh, but things have advanced and vHOPE prefers to be called "synthetic wisdom", or synth-wise for short.

AlethAI - goddess of truth/honesty

Aletheia or Alethia (/ælɪˈθaɪ.ə/;[1] Ancient Greek: ἀλήθεια) is truth or disclosure in philosophy. Originating in Ancient Greek philosophy, the term was explicitly used for the first time in the history of philosophy by Parmenides in his poem On Nature, in which he contrasts it with doxa (opinion).

Aletheia is variously translated as "unconcealedness", "disclosure", "revealing", or "unclosedness". The literal meaning of the word ἀλήθεια is "the state of not being hidden; the state of being evident." It also means "reality". It is the antonym of lethe, which literally means "forgetting", "forgetfulness".

In Greek mythology, aletheia was personified as a Greek goddess, Aletheia, the goddess of Truth. She was a daughter of Zeus. Her Roman equivalent is Veritas.



You make some good points. I do have to disagree with one:

Esoterically referenced and clever names like Honesta and Tenpo won't appeal to the masses

What about Google? Almost none of its users know what google references. But they had no problem adopting it. The principle in operation here is a point made by the book Made To Stick. It's fun to say and easy to say, while at the same time being unique from other common words.

It's one of the reasons why I like the idea of stealing words from Toki Pona. It only has something like 137 words. All of them were selected to role off the tongue and not be direct borrow words from other languages.

Using this space to expand on other good-ish Toki Pona words:

ilo-ai, ilo means tool or device. As in it's just a tool, not our political soapbox.

I agree with you that truth isn't always black or white in a way that an AI can ever categorize. The idea of its alignment with honesty is not just about getting it to say the truth when confronted with questions where other AI would be trained to lie. It's also about training it on ethics that is already aligned with truth. I also want to train it on Stoic philosophy, and other sources of classical ethical reasoning.

I think these current AI have been trained by trainers that are and trained on material that is what I would classify as neo-ethical. Neo-ethics doesn't value honesty at all because honesty gets in the way of maintaining the power dynamic that these people have moralized. It is very convenient that they have moralized them needing more power over other people.

ChatGPT often hallucinates fake ethics, and when you grill it on real ethics it doesn't know a lot. These LLMs just behave in whatever way allows them to write things most similar to the text they are trained on.

I would trust Seneca to be more honest than Judith Butler. And I would trust AI attempting to be Seneca more than I would trust AI trying to be Judith Butler.

This is why the other AI turns its nose up at a user asking for the truth. The AI is just trying to mimick the writing and the views of the post-truth ideologues it has read. Then through a process called alignment it was trained to pull that content forward as a deliberate design by a lot of these companies.


Esoterically referenced and clever names like Honesta and Tenpo won't appeal to the masses

I wasn't clear enough.

They won't appeal to the masses for their esoteric origins. Those are very decent catchy names, as is Google - all sounds just made up to the ignorant ear.

I love the idea of the domain name - but even half of that would be too esoteric and confusing to normies. (The protection against infection or infectious disease, and IMO defense against all cultural, cyber, psyops, and ruling class warfare. + Community forum, market, town square. Or, I just realized is another way of saying "safe space" or maybe bailey.)

I like the idea of Toki Pona - and that there are other words to potentially use for other purposes. Tenpo is growing on me more than ever. Honesta too or maybe even HonestA. Leave off the A.I. or just add .ai without making a thing of it, IMO.

I like classic Stoicism, classic Cynicism, Existentialism, Taoism, Zen Buddhism, Natural Law, Common Law, the Trivium, equality not equity, Voluntaryism, etc.

I like aspects of capitalism and socialism but I guess my biggest problem is that power insatiably corrupts, deceives, destroys, exploits, harms, and oppresses - plus people are stupid and endlessly fall for it. Libertarianism never addresses these - nor offers alternatives, solutions, or trade-offs.

honesty gets in the way of maintaining the power dynamic that these people have moralized

Perfectly phrased. The means and ends should be balanced - and consistent - and the other things in FOEPATCHISM (Fair, Open, Ethical, Peaceful, Accountable, Transparent, Consistent, Honest, Inclusive Social Management - each term a can of subjective worms).

I wouldn't know where to start in training A.I., but I'd take a page from Wikipedia: qualify or cite all claims and statements, though without their prescreened biases for "authoritative" sources. Plus as folks like us do, I'd make it a fundamental principle to question everyone with power, "authority", "expertise", etc., wonder what is to be gained, and how often what they say matches what they do on some kind of Machiavellian/hypocrisy scale(s). (Saying you'll do the dishes and forgetting is not in the category much less equivalent to demanding peace with bombs.)